
Descoperă lumea reducerilor ISIC

Crescator Descrescator

<p>Bine ai venit în locul unde totul are suflet. Creează-ți experiențe unice și memorabile la hotelurile Melia, unde amintirile vor rămâne cu tine toată viața. Cu ISIC/ITIC/ITYC beneficiezi de până la 25% reducere la tarifele camerelor pentru toate cele 360 de hoteluri din cele 40 de țări, inclusiv în Spania, Marea Britanie, SUA, Italia, EAU, Tanzania și altele.</p>

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Până la 25% reducere la tarifele camerelor

Hotel, motel

20 more...
Card verification

You must verify the validity of your ID card to receive the discount.

Card verification was not successful. Card verification was not successful. Service unavailable.

Unfortunately, according to the data entered, we could not find any card or the card is not valid.

Unfortunately, you are not eligible for this discount with your card.

The service is temporarily unavailable. Please repeat the action later.

  • Make sure you filled in your name and card number as they are stated on your card.
  • Check the validity of your card.
  • If you are unsure, please contact us at the contact details listed at the top of the page.